My future job

 I sincerely have no idea about my dream job and maybe it is because I would like to do so many things related to journalism and at this moment I consider them all. I'm not a person who has a very clear idea about what job want in the future, but if I have the opportunity I would like to work in different areas,  maybe sports, fashion, travel or even in a communication department in some company.

If I have to imagine myself working in sports journalism, I know in Chile it is very difficult if you are a woman but in my dreams I have the opportunity to be in Europe doing the cover of Formula 1 or UEFA Champions League. Another part of me has a seriously interest in fashion so I imagine myself on the backstage of a Fashion Week in Milan, Paris or New York.

Maybe the more realistic thing to do when I have my degree, is working in a communication department. This option is feasible, today every big company has a department with designers, journalists and community managers who are in charge of social media and publicity campaign.

I would like to think of my work place as a balance between an office and being in different places or events, and if this involves having to make trips to other countries I would be the happiest person because I love traveling on airplanes. 


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