
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2021

Changes to my Study Program

 Five years ago it was lot happening when I decided to study Journalism. I quit to another university, in the last minute I sign in to take the test for university acceptance and found out about my disease. Probably it was the craziest year of my life and obviously forgot something so important as the study program in Journalism. Now in my fourth year I'm a little regret for that mistake. If I tooked it seriously five years ago maybe now I'll would be studying in another university. A few years ago I found out another institution had a program where anyone can study two programs in six years, but in the other way on my university that is not possible and we have to past five years in journalism and later we can try to validate programs but still is too complicated and bureaucratic. If I could have it the power to change or can implement new ideas on the study program in first place I would like to prioritize the knowledge about new technologies, how to handle in the legal area,

Travel to the future

  My mind is always thinking in what is to come in the next days, months o years even. Probably is my anxious mind playing games but I'm a person who always live dreaming about what is gonna do next. For that in my four years in university I've been studying and working at the same time, because some dreams are a little expensive so I put some money every month in a bank account. Usually I use my savings for vacations but some time this savings literally save me in urgencies. If I think in a travel to the future, probably the first thing I would like to ask is if the Covid-19 is over. I really dream with the day when the authorities officially says the mask and all the other restraint measures are no longer necessary. Other thing I would really like to see in that travel to the future is if I'm in Canada. My dream is live in Canada and have a treatment for my disease in an affordable way to pay because in Chile is imposible for me to access to the medical treatment.  My min